Travis Fimmel (Echuca, 15 luglio 1979) è un supermodello e attore australiano.. Come volto di diverse campagne pubblicitarie per Calvin Klein è diventato un modello internazionale e tra i più popolari al mondo.. Ha poi intrapreso la carriera di attore, dove è principalmente conosciuto per il ruolo di Ragnar nella serie televisiva Vikings een zoon van de Zweedse koning Sigurd Hring en een verwant van de Deense koning Gudfred. Hrólfr Rögnvaldsson i Göngu-Hrólfr, ur. Un uomo in cerca di redenzione ma schiavo della sua maledetta attitudine. Rolo (Rollo, 860-931/932) je bilo franačko latinsko ime Vikinga koji je 911. preduzeo poslednji veliki pljačkaški pohod na Francusku.Njegovo pravo ime je bilo Hrolfr. A biography of Rollo, written by the cleric Dudo of Saint-Quentin in the late 10th century, claimed that Rollo was from Denmark (« Dacia »). Rollo'nun ismi Normanlar tarafından bazen Rou veya Rouf şeklinde söylenmiş, Franklar tarafından Rodolf, Rodolfus, Radulf, Radulfus veya … Rollo de Noorman (ca. Göngu-Hrólfr) (* 846[1]; † 931 oder 932) ist der fränkisch-lateinische Name eines Wikingers, der im Jahr 911 den letzten großen Überfall der Wikinger auf das Westfrankenreich kommandierte. Vikings spoilers: Ragnar and Rollo's vicious rivalry finally explained by major clues ... but fans still look back fondly at the travels of legendary warrior Ragnar Lothbrok. These settlers were presumed to be Rollo and his associates, moving their authority westward from the Seine valley. Rollo (normansky Rou, staroseversky Hrólfr, francouzsky Rollon; 846–930) byl normanský náčelník a první panovník území později známé jako Normandské vévodství.V roce 911 podepsal s tehdejším západofranským králem králem Karlem III. Saved from [29], There are few contemporary mentions of Rollo. [23][24] Ketill Flatnose's ancestors were said to have come from Møre – Rollo's ancestral home in the Icelandic sources. [33], Dudo narrates a humorous story not repeated in other primary sources about Rollo's pledge of fealty to Charles III as part of the Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte. This has since been variously interpreted as referring to Faxe, in Sjælland (Denmark), Fauske, in Sykkulven (Norway), or perhaps a more obscure settlement that has since been abandoned or renamed. Rolo (Rollo, 860-931/932) je bilo franačko latinsko ime Vikinga koji je 911. preduzeo poslednji veliki pljačkaški pohod na Francusku.Njegovo pravo ime je bilo Hrolfr. Der von Clive Standen gespielte Rollo ist hier der Bruder des im Mittelpunkt stehenden Ragnar Lodbrok. 1,1 bis 1,3 m hatten. Der Chronist Richer von Reims (888–995), beschreibt ihn als „dux Rollo, fili Catilli“ (Herzog Rollo, Sohn des Catillus), ein Anführer von Piraten („pyratae“), die Neustrien und das Loiregebiet verheerten. In der nicht historischen Serie wird die Beziehung zu seinem Bruder thematisiert. Rollo is the subject of the 17th-century play Rollo Duke of Normandy, written by John Fletcher, Philip Massinger, Ben Jonson, and George Chapman. Francouzským smlouvu, díky které se Vikingové mohli usazovat na území Normandie. [27][28], Dudo recorded that when Rollo controlled Bayeux by force, he carried off with him the beautiful Popa or Poppa, a daughter of Berenger, Count of Rennes. It is also sometimes suggested that Rollo may be a Latinised version of another Norse name, Hrollaugr. 1. 846 – 933), later gedoopt als Robert, was een Vikingkrijgsheer.Mogelijk dient hij vereenzelvigd te worden met Rolf Ganger (Oudnoords voor Rolf de Wandelaar). [37] This would appear to be the motive for later concessions to the Vikings of the Seine, which are mentioned in other records of the time. Hij zou zo genoemd zijn omdat hij een grote en zware man was en geen toenmalig paard sterk genoeg was om hem te dragen en hij dus altijd moest lopen. However, Dudo's Historia Normannorum (or Libri III de moribus et actis primorum Normanniae ducum) was commissioned by Rollo's grandson, Richard I of Normandy and – while Dudo likely had access to family members and/or other people with a living memory of Rollo – this fact must be weighed against the text's potential biases, as an official biography. [36], Given Rouen and its hinterland in return for the alliance with the Franks, it was agreed upon that it was in the interest of both Rollo himself and his Frankish allies to extend his authority over Viking settlers. Norvégiából I. Harald norvég király száműzte, Rollo pedig 876-ban a Nyugati Frank Királyság (a mai Franciaország) területére ment rablóhadjáratot folytatni. zapewne ok.860, zm. Die späteren isländischen Sagas identifizieren ihn mit Hrolf Ganger (in Skandinavien auch Gånge Rolf genannt), jedoch gilt diese Zuweisung inzwischen als unsicher. 860, død ca. After the Norman conquest of England and their conquest of southern Italy and Sicily over the following two centuries, their descendants came to rule Norman England (the House of Normandy), much of the island of Ireland, the Kingdom of Sicily (the Kings of Sicily) as well as the Principality of Antioch from the 10th to 12th century, leaving behind an enduring legacy in the histories of Europe and the Near East. 6.8K likes. After the Siege of Chartres in 911, Charles the Simple, the king of West Francia, gifted them lands between the mouth of the Seine and what is now Rouen in exchange for Rollo agreeing to end his brigandage, swearing allegiance to him, religious conversion and a pledge to defend the Seine's estuary from Viking raiders. In der Comicserie "Les Chroniques barbares" (deutsch: Chronik der Barbaren) von Jean-Yves Mitton wird in Band II "La Loi des Vikings" (deutsch: Das Gesetz der Wikinger) der Vertragsschluss von Saint-Clair-sur-Epte frei interpretiert. Möglicherweise sollte damit erklärt werden, warum gerade Rollo das Gebiet übertragen wurde, obwohl er sich doch selbst nur Primus inter pares nannte und eigentlich nicht einmal Stammesfürst war. Grad je tada bio pošteđen od razaranja samo zahvaljujući tome što je franački car Louis Pobožni isplatio basnoslovnu otkupninu. Egli è guidato non solo dalla voglia di combattere e dalla brama di gloria, ma anche dalla sua sete di conoscenza e da un carattere curioso e aperto al mondo. Clive James Standen (born 22 July 1981) is an English actor best known for playing Bryan Mills in the NBC series Taken, based on the film trilogy of the same name, as well as Following the death of their father, Gurim was killed and Rollo was forced to leave Denmark. In mehreren Liedern der Musikband Torfrock taucht die Figur „Rollo der Wikinger“ auf, die in dessen Texten jedoch in der schleswig-holsteinischen archäologisch erschlossenen Wikingersiedlung Haithabu verortet wird. Rollo es el hermano mayor de Ragnar Lothbrok. Dessen Richtlinien lieferten dann auch später die Rechtsgrundlage für die Eroberung Englands durch einen Nachfolger Rollos. Rollon [1] (mort vers 932) est le chef viking à l'origine du duché de Normandie.En septembre 911, en contrepartie de l'arrêt de ses pillages, il reçoit du roi Charles le Simple un territoire autour de Rouen.Environ cent ans plus tard, cette concession deviendra le duché de Normandie. [9] A variant spelling, Rou, is used in the 12th-century Norman French verse chronicle Roman de Rou, which was compiled by Wace and commissioned by King Henry II of England, a descendant of Rollo. Una delle inclinazioni più infami con cui l'uomo infanga costantemente la propria sfera The first season of the series begins at the start of the Viking Age, marked by the Lindisfarne raid in 793. [40] The descendants of Rollo and his men assimilated with their maternal French-Catholic culture and became known as the Normans, lending their name to the region of Normandy.[41]. [30] The earliest record is from 918, in a charter of Charles III to an abbey, which referred to an earlier grant to "the Normans of the Seine", namely "Rollo and his associates" for "the protection of the kingdom. Il est né sur une base de l'armée britannique à Holywood, (comté de Down), en Irlande du Nord. El ex esposo de Gisla y padre de William,Marcellus y Celsa. Rollo ließ sich taufen, seitdem nannte er sich Robert. Jego pochodzenie jest nieznane. 1 Historia 1.1 Primera Temporada 1.2 Segunda Temporada 1.3 Tercera Temporada 1.4 Cuarta Temporada 2 Curiosidades Se nos presenta a Rollo cuando acompaña … Podle starobylé literatury podnikl nájezdy na franskou říši a anglo-saskou Anglii během 9. století. Confidential; Rollo Rhubarb, the teacher's pet and foil to Hans and Fritz in The Katzenjammer Kids comic strip by Harold Knerr; Rollo Lothbrok, character in the TV series Vikings Serialul TV de mare popularitate „Vikings” a adus recent în atenția publicului amator de istorie figura unui rege legendar al Danemarcei, Ragnar Lodbrok, un viking în adevăratul sens al cuvântului. This victory paved the way for Rollo's baptism and settlement in Normandy. In einem Klagelied auf dessen Tod heißt es, er sei von einem „transmarinus pater“ (einem Vater von jenseits des Meeres) gezeugt worden in „errore paganorum permanente“ (in einem dauernden heidnischen Irrtum). New Vikings Tribute : Facebook : Agache AntonioMusic: Three Days Grace - Time Of Dying According to the medieval Irish text An Banshenchas and Icelandic sources, another daughter, Cadlinar (Kaðlín; Kathleen) was born in Scotland (probably to a Scots mother) and married an Irish prince named Beollán mac Ciarmaic, later King of South Brega (Lagore). Ragnar's brother makes a swift attempt on his life after meeting him, as his Christian faith makes him wary to trust him - this despite Rollo eventually making the conversion to the religion himself . Rollo (an: Hrólfr bzw. [citation needed] Benoît says elsewhere in the Chronique that Rollo is Danish.[19]. Göngu-Hrólfr) (* 846 ; † 931 oder 932) ist der fränkisch-lateinische Name eines Wikingers, der im Jahr 911 den letzten großen Überfall der Wikinger auf das Westfrankenreich kommandierte. Rollo Vikings Norse Vikings Ragnar Lothbrok Rey Ragnar Rollo Of Normandy Normandy France William The Conqueror My Family History Asatru. 846, død ca. Ragnar Lothbrok è un potente e leggendario eroe vichingo, guerriero, ed esploratore, re di Kattegat, e fondatore della Casa dei Lothbrok. La figura en la que se basa la producción de History Channel para Ragnar es Ragnar Lothbrok o Ragnar Sigurdsson, un renombrado héroe de la historia nórdica que vivió en el siglo IX. When Rollo is confronted by Ragnar for face-to-face combat, Rollo can not bring himself to fight his br… [15] Dudo appears to have been the main source for William of Jumièges (after 1066) and Orderic Vitalis (early 12th century), although both include additional details. [33] It has therefore been speculated that she could have been an illegitimate daughter. Diese Aussage hat Gewicht, da sein Informant Raoul d’Ivryein Halbbruder des Norm… Numismatică. Rollo (født ca. Bertelsmann Lexikon in 15 Bänden, Band 12, Seite 248, Gütherloh 1993 H,, Französische Geschichte (10. As was the custom, Rollo took the baptismal name Robert, after his godfather Robert I. Ragnar Lodbrok or Lothbrok (Old Norse: Ragnarr Loðbrók, "Ragnar shaggy breeches", Modern Icelandic: Ragnar Loðbrók) is a legendary Viking hero, as well as, according to the Gesta Danorum, a legendary Danish and Swedish king. According to later Scandinavian sagas, Rollo, making himself independent of King Harald I of Norway, sailed off to raid Scotland, England, Flanders, and France on pirating expeditions. The warrior complied by raising the king's foot to his mouth while the king remained standing, which "laid the king flat on his back"[35] much to the amusement of Rollo's entourage. Rollo ist ein direkter Vorfahre Wilhelms des Eroberers (1027–1087). In return for formal recognition of the lands he possessed, Rollo agreed to be baptised and assisted the king in defending the realm. In the episode Brother's War, Rollo fights with Jarl Borg against his brother Ragnar and King Horik. When Charles III abdicated the throne to Rudolph of France, Rollo felt that his pledge and oaths to the kings of France null and void, and began raiding in the west to expand his territory, putting pressure on other rulers to propose another compromise. Benoît also repeated the claim that Rollo had been persecuted by a local ruler and had fled from there to "Scanza island", by which Benoît probably means Scania (Swedish Skåne). 846, død ca. However, these claims were made three centuries after the history commissioned by Rollo's own grandson. Rollo was known for being a fearsome Viking warrior with an impulsive streak who is wrought with internal struggles. On taking his oath of fealty, Rollo divided the lands between the rivers Epte and Risle among his chieftains, and settled in the de facto capital Rouen. Ragnar Lodbrok veya Lothbrok (Eski Nors dili: Ragnarr Loðbrók; bilinmiyor – 864/866), efsanevi Viking savaşçı ve kral.Eski Nors dilinde başta Ragnarssona þáttr olmak üzere çok sayıda sagaya konu olmuştur. A fost poreclit "pietonul", pentru că fiind foarte mare și greu, nu-l putea transporta niciun cal, și a fost nevoit întotdeauna să călătorească pe jos.. Origine. Ragnar Lodbrok či Lothbrok (staroseversky Ragnarr Loðbrók) byl legendární vikingský vůdce a hrdina staré severské poezie a ság z vikingské doby. Carriera Da dilettante. Podle starobylé literatury podnikl nájezdy na franskou říši a anglo-saskou Anglii během 9. století. He is a fine husband to Gisla and father to William, Marcellus and Celsa. Ragnar Lodbrok był wspominany w sagach i zachodnioeuropejskich rocznikach. 932/933) var en dansk vikingehøvding, der blev den første hertug af Normandiet i Frankrig.Han blev stamfader til Normandiets hertugslægt, der efter den normanniske erobring af England i 1066 også blev konger af England Die späteren isländischen Sagas identifizieren ihn mit Hrolf Ganger (in Skandinavien auch Gånge Rolf genannt), jedoch gilt diese Zuweisung inzwischen als unsicher. [45] However, the skeletal remains in both graves turned out to significantly predate Rollo and therefore are not related to him. Rollo è decisamente una figura controversa del violento mondo di Vikings. He married her and she gave birth to his son and heir, William Longsword. Rollo (l. c.860-c.930 CE, r. 911-927 CE) was a Viking chieftain who became the founder and first ruler of the region of Normandy. Aus Ausgrabungen geht jedoch hervor, dass Pferde in Skandinavien zur damaligen Zeit nur eine Widerristhöhe von ca. In part, this disparity may result from the indifferent and interchangeable usage in Europe, at the time, of terms such as "Vikings", "Northmen", "Swedes", "Danes", "Norwegians" and so on (in the Medieval Latin texts Dani vel Nortmanni means 'Danes or Northmen'). Fermo, però, restando l'assoluta unicità del rollò nisseno per gli ingredienti tipici della pasticceria siciliana … According to Dudo, an unnamed king of Denmark was antagonistic to Rollo's family, including his father – an unnamed Danish nobleman – and Rollo's brother Gurim. Die Grafschaft Rouen ist der Ursprung der heutigen Normandie. "[35] Instead, Rollo commanded one of his warriors to kiss the king's foot. Rollo refused, saying "I will never bow my knees at the knees of any man, and no man's foot will I kiss. Did Ragnar Lothbrok think Bjorn was Rollo's son? [46], After Rollo's death, his male-line descendants continued to rule Normandy until 1204, when it was lost by John Lackland to the French King Philip Augustus. Saved by Chris Crowder. [3] In einem Translationsbericht aus dieser Zeit werden er und seine Wikinger als beutegierig und grausam geschildert, ihnen wird auch Folter vorgeworfen.[3]. Ragnar Lodbrok či Lothbrok (staroseversky Ragnarr Loðbrók) byl legendární vikingský vůdce a hrdina staré severské poezie a ság z vikingské doby. Rollo (Norman: Rou; Old Norse: Hrólfr; French: Rollon; c. 860 – c. 930 AD) was a Viking who became the first ruler of Normandy, a region in northern France. Die bekanntesten Liedtitel lauten „Rollo der Wikinger“, „Rollos Taufe“, „Rollos Wampe“ und „Volle Granate, Renate“. Rollo sau Rollon este un nume franco-latin, sub care probabil a fost cunoscut în Franța, unul dintre conducǎtorii vikingilor Hrólfr Pietonul. Vikings ist eine kanadisch-irische Fernsehserie mit historischem Hintergrund und vielen fiktionalen Elementen. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Find GIFs with the latest and newest hashtags! Rollo ist eine der Hauptfiguren in der kanadisch-irischen Fernsehserie Vikings von 2013. Flodoard von Reims, der zeitlich den Ereignissen nahestand, nennt ihn nicht namentlich. ", "Skeletal shock for Norwegian researchers at Viking hunting", "Reflections of a Viking by Clive Standen",, Converts to Christianity from pagan religions, Articles lacking reliable references from March 2020, Articles containing Old French (842-ca. Rollo, through his descendent William I of England, the seventh Duke of Normandy, is a 32nd great-grandfather of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Angeblich stammt sein Name Rollo der Geher daher, dass ihn aufgrund seiner Körpergröße kein Pferd tragen konnte und er daher den gesamten Landweg von Skandinavien bis zum Westfrankenreich zu Fuß gehen musste. A character, broadly inspired by the historical Rollo but including many events from before the real Rollo was born, played by Clive Standen, is Ragnar Lothbrok's brother in the History Channel television series Vikings. Norvégiából I. Harald norvég király száműzte, Rollo pedig 876-ban a Nyugati Frank Királyság (a mai Franciaország) területére ment rablóhadjáratot folytatni. 1. [18], A chronicler named Benoît (probably Benoît de Sainte-More) wrote in the mid-12th-century Chronique des ducs de Normandie that Rollo had been born in a town named "Fasge". [20] The Icelandic sources claim that Hrólfr was born in Trondhjem (now known as Trondheim)[21] in western Norway, in the late 9th century and that his parents were the Norwegian jarl Rognvald Eysteinsson ('Rognvald the Wise') and a noblewoman from Møre named Hildr Hrólfsdóttir. Tomb of Rollo of Normany ("Hrolf the Ganger") in Rouen Cathedral. If, as Richer suggested, Rollo's father was also named Ketill and as Dudo suggested, Rollo had a brother named Gurim, such names are onomastic evidence for a family connection: Icelandic sources name Ketill Flatnose's father as Björn Grímsson,[22] and Grim – the implied name of Ketill Flatnose's paternal grandfather – was likely cognate with Gurim.

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